So, apparently, under the Obama Administration, it’s more important to placate xenophobic islamicist temper tantrums than the defend one of the foundational tenets of our political system and way of life known as “free speech.”

Can we impeach him NOW?!?!

Is it just me, or does the political rhetoric and milquetoast responses we seem to be getting out of the current administration in response to current events unfolding in the Middle East seem almost like the responses of a battered spouse?  An angry mob storms our embassy and desecrates our flag, and our embassador apologizes?

I can’t help but picture some drunk, ill-bred mouth breather in a sweat stained t-shirt who rolls in after a particularly bad bender and just lays into his poor wife, beating her and throwing her around.  “WHY do you MAKE me DO this?!” he screams, with blow after blow.  “You JUST. DON’T. LISTEN!!!!”

She cowers in a corner, covering her face, and sobs out, “I know, I know.  I’m sorry. It’s my fault.  I’ll try harder. I promise!  Just…please…don’t hit me again.”

Time and again radical islamic terrorists attack our people, our facilities, our country’s honor, and “we” opt for a “measured response.”  We don’t want to make them angry.  We strike a conciliatory tone, hoping to “defuse” the tension and forestall another confrontation.

Which only ensures that there WILL be another confrontation, because, really, what’s to stop them? Time and again we prove that we won’t fight back, that we won’t respond with the kind of overwhelming, crushing force which would actually serve as a deterrent.

In other words, we act like a victim.  Hoping to placate our attackers so they won’t hurt us.  Or at least, won’t hurt us as often, maybe.  Or, you know, as bad.  If we just make sure to say the right things, to do the right things, to make sure we make his dinner just like he likes it, and don’t dare talk to him during his football game, because we know how angry he gets when we forget our place.

Me, on the other hand, I’m thinking it’s time for a little “Burning Bed” action instead.

The always engaging Sobek has a brilliant post up over at Innocent Bystanders that pretty much says it all.  Highly recommended reading!

I’ve found that there is so much going on in the world today, about which my own loud-mouth self will simply not shut up, and spamming my Facebook friends and relatives with partisan hooey may not always be the best course of action.


While I cannot guarantee how often I will be able to post anything, given the hurricane of activity my life is, and the festering pile of steaming excrement it may become shortly, I am going to fire this thing back up.

Hopefully I can regain a few of the readers I have so callously shunned over the last however the hell long it’s been; but regardless, there’s just too much angsty froth boiling up within me, and I’ve just gots to gives it some release.

So, there ya go. For what it’s worth.

Scientist: Dinosaurs May Rule Alien Worlds

The Register relates another paper published in the Cornell Earth and Planetary Astrophysics Journal that the Yucatan strike shot out meteors laden with bits of dinosaur DNA which in turn found root on other planets, eventually evolving into dinosaur-like life forms.

Riiiiight.  It’s kind of funny to see “Scientists” and “Dinosaurs Rule Alien Worlds” in the same headline.  Well, not if I was reading Weekly World News.

So basically, this stuff got ejected fast enough to reach escape velocity and leave the atmosphere, then survived millions of miles of interstellar travel through absolute zero and unshielded stellar radiation, survived re-entry and impact into primoridial goo, then…POOF…began to spontaneously replicate, combine, reproduce, and eventually increase in complexity until…DINOSAUR SCIENTISTS!

Because creationism is just soooo unscientific it can’t even be considered by “legitimate” scientists.  Not even dinosaur scientists.

Seriously, though.  If life is spawned on other planets because of meteors laden with all sorts of juicy and frisky amino acids and dinosaur DNA being launched into space because of the impact of other meteors…where’d the first impact come from?  This theory, like so many others, continues to skirt the issue of initial causality.  Sure, it “explains” how the aminos, microbes, whatever got HERE…but it only forestalls the important question of where did the ORIGINAL SEED MATERIAL come from?  It doesn’t answer The Question, it merely asks the question differently.

Michelle’s ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations (costing millions of dollars)

You know, I think we’re all grown-ups here, and I don’t think any of us begrudge the leader of the free world and his family a little time off now and then.  I’m even willing to suggest that, despite our rough-n-tumble anti-aristocratic roots, we are more than willing to allow the Commander In Chief to engage in a certain amount of pomp and ceremony as part of the Presidential milieu.

The problem comes when you have a man so completely devoted to fomenting class warfare, so completely dedicated to painting the current socio-political/economic environment as a case of “Us v. Them”, clearly painting himself with an “Us” colored brush, who then turns around and flagrantly engages in such oppulent self-indulgence.  There’s taking some well-deserved time off (time which fewer and fewer of us can afford to take these days), and then there’s soaking the US Taxpayer for millions of dollars to support your whimsical flights of fancy for you and 24 of your family and friends on a junket to Rio, or Hawaii, or Indonesia or Vail or…shall I continue?

You can’t point to G.W. Bush and say, “Yes, but HE did it too, and worse!” if you ran on a platform of being everything Bush wasn’t, and not being everything he WAS.  If Obama made his case to the American people as being their advocate, by promising to “Change” all the selfish, destructive and wastefully expensive things G.W. is supposed to have done, then HOW does B.O. justify the lavish, jet-setting lifestyle he and his family are maintaining?

He doesn’t justify it.  Because he doesn’t think he needs to.  He thinks he’s entitled to it because he’s the President, and the “Magical Negro” who can be both the voice of the downtrodden minority AND the darling of the gilded Hollywood millionaires, all with no appearance of contradiction or cognitive dissonance.  Why? Just because, that’s why.  And don’t ask me again. Hater.

There is a strange sort of fugue or delirium which seems to have dropped across the eyes of so many of America’s voters, who seem fundamentally unable to ascribe anything but the noblest of intentions to Mr. Obama, forgiving any misstep or mistake, chuckling with a smirkish disregard and a dismissive, “Oh that silly thing?  Pshaa.  He gave us Health Care, didn’t he?!”  This guy is more President Teflon than Bill Clinton was.

Even as we head into the meat of the 2012 election season, there is almost no talk of any Democrat trying to run against him.  He’s the presumptive nominee, who apparently still enjoys the annointing  of the media and political elites who can envision nothing more ideal than four more years of his regal beneficence and royal patronage.  Despite all the actual evidence of policies and conduct bordering on malfeasance, Obama still seems surrounded by this glimmering shield which protects him from any criticism, stigma, or potential responsibility for the calamaties he is surely bringing about. 

Pres. Obama is quoted as saying, “I think at some point, you’ve made enough money.”  Well perhaps, Mr. President, we should amend this to say, “I think at some point, you’ve gone on enough vacations.”

Or, you know, fundraisers sandwiched conviently between a couple of meet-and-greets so that he can justify using taxpayer funds to support his campaining, in likely violation of campaign finance laws. 

But hey.  It’s good to be King.

Obama Signs Global Internet Treaty Worse Than SOPA

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement was signed by Obama on October 1 2011, yet is currently the subject of a White House petition demanding Senators be forced to ratify the treaty. The White House has circumvented the necessity to have the treaty confirmed by lawmakers by presenting it an as “executive agreement,” although legal scholars have highlighted the dubious nature of this characterization.

Under the provisions of ACTA, copyright holders will be granted sweeping direct powers to demand ISPs remove material from the Internet on a whim. Whereas ISPs normally are only forced to remove content after a court order, all legal oversight will be abolished, a precedent that will apply globally, rendering the treaty worse in its potential scope for abuse than SOPA or PIPA.

Once again, Pres. Obama demonstrates his hostility to Congress, the concept of Separation of Powers, and the personal liberties we in this country have, until now, assumed were inviolate.

So say, for example, that you take your car to a mechanic.  The car’s not running all that great, and you’d like to get it a tune-up.  Your mechanic takes on the job, and promises you that your trusty automobile will soon be running better than ever before.

You pick the car up later that day, and drive off, expecting great things.  Funny though, something isn’t quite right.  Now it’s got a clank and a shimmy it didn’t have before.  So you take it back the next day to have it looked at again.

Noooo problem, insists the mechanic.  We just need a little more time with it.  Soon it’ll be like new.  You’re somewhat skeptical, but the mechanic seems confident, competent, so you entrust your family wagon to him one more time.

Later you pick up your vehicle, accompanied by the smiles and assurances of the maintenance staff that all is well.  You drive off with a renewed sense of confidence and optimism.

Funny though, now not ONLY does it have a clank, and a shimmy, but the radio doesn’t work and it stalls at stop lights.  You’re a bit miffed, and limp it back to the dealership to demand that the mechanic set things aright.

The mechanic clucks and sighs, and shakes his head, and informs you that you just have to be patient with him.  These things are complicated, they take time.  It might even appear to get worse before it gets better, but really, he’s the mechanic and you’re just the driver, so you need to trust that he’s doing what’s best for you.

Properly humbled, you entrust your sole mode of transportation to this august, if slightly condescending professional and hope for the best.  Later, you pick your car back up, and the mechanic’s beaming smile assures you that all will be right, no really, this time he means it. 

But, as you go to pull out of the parking lot, the muffler falls off, the tires blow out, and the engine catches fire.  You bail out of the burning wreck of what was once a perfectly serviceable automobile, and storm up to demand an accounting from the so-called “mechanic” who trashed your car.

It’s not my fault, he insists.  As a matter a fact, it was the old mechanic you had that caused all the problems.  There was too much wrong with it to fix in the time you gave me.  You should blame him, not me.  As a matter of fact, wouldn’t it be better if you just rode the bus?

Now, at some point in this scenario, wouldn’t you figure out that this so-called mechanic had no real idea what he was doing, had no idea how to actually fix your car, and was really just pretending to repair things in order to soak you for the cash you kept paying him to “fix” these problems, many of which HE HIMSELF CAUSED?!

That said, WHY, oh WHY do we keep looking to Pres. Obama and his administration to somehow “fix” the economy?  Every time he’s tried, he’s given us back something worse that what we started with.  Why do we overlook behavior in a President that we wouldn’t stand for in a mechanic?

We really, really, REALLY need to find a new pit crew.

Life is kicking me in the scrotum.  Wearing track cleats.  So…yeah.

Insane.  Insanely awesome.  Wow.  How do you “practice” something like this? Yee-ikes.

The New Year is upon me.  I don’t know what it is about us humans that we place such significance in these milestones.  A New Year’s Resolution!  Some magical threshold is crossed and now, because I put a 2012 on my checks instead of a 2011, suddenly I have a previously unrealized capability to complete retool my life.

This year I’ll drink less, work out more, be nicer, give more to charity, blah blah blah.  No, you probably won’t.  Not really.  Oh, sure, for a couple of weeks you’ll burn with that 2012 fervor, emotionally effervescing with a frothy intensity of determination to improve yourself from the train-wreck that somehow managed to limp cross the finish line of the last year.

‘Cept dat, lo and behold, you are really just the same ol’ joe you were three weeks ago.  Still facing the same problems, still fighting against the same intertia that makes it so much easier to watch The Biggest Loser than it does to hurl yourself off the couch and into the gym to actually make your own progress.  Still spending too much, saving too little, saying the wrong things to the wrong people.  Still burdened by the same fears, hesitations, reluctances.

So what’s different?  What makes us think that we suddenly have some new superpower which will help us overcome all the same struggles that kicked our butt for the better part of the entirety of 2011?

Read the rest of this entry »